Back to Units | Suggested length: 4 weeks


Level 1: Catch a large self-tossed ball

Level 2: Volley a lightweight object upwards

Level 3: Volley a lightweight object with consecutive hits

Level 4: Volley a lightweight object with one hand to a partner


Level 5: Serve underhand

Level 6: Catch a large tossed ball with elbows in

Level 7: Volley a lightweight object with open palms

Level 8: Volley a lightweight object with open palms with partner

2nd Grade

Level 9: Serve underhand for distance

Level 10: Serve underhand over a net

Level 11: Bump and catch a self-tossed ball

Level 12: Bump a tossed ball

3rd Grade

Level 13: Bump a tossed ball to a partner

Level 14: Bump a ball tossed to the side to a partner

Level 15: Serve underhand to a target

Level 16: Set a self-tossed ball while lying down


Level 17: Bump a ball consecutively with partner

Level 18: Serve using an underhand pattern

Level 19: Set a tossed ball

Level 20: Bump a low tossed ball to a partner


Level 21: Serve using an underhand pattern to a target

Level 22: Set a tossed ball to a target

Level 23: Bump a tossed ball over a net

Level 24: Spike the ball over the net


Level 25: Bump a served ball over the net

Level 26: Serve using an overhand pattern over a net

Level 27: Spike the ball over the net at a target

Level 28: Set a bumped ball


Level 29: Block a ball

Level 30: Bump a served ball to a teammate

Level 31: Serve using an overhand pattern over a net to a target

Level 32: Set a bumped ball to a hitter

8th gradE

Level 33: Setter attack

Level 34: Serve using a topspin

Level 35: Digging

Level 36: Volleyball referee