Today we are going to learn how to catch an underhand thrown ball (teacher and student-assisted).
Catching is important because it is a necessary skill used to play many different sports such as baseball, football, basketball, etc. Catching also improves your timing and sequencing.
Underhand: a throw made with the arm or hand below shoulder level.
Eyes on the ball: when looking at the ball continuously in order to track it.
When catching an underhand thrown ball, it is important to:
1. Face the thrower.
2. Bend your knees.
3. Keep your eyes on the ball.
- I will divide the class into teams of two. Ro Sham Bo to decide who will start with the ball first. Line up on the baseline with your ball five feet away from your teammate. When I say, "GO!" throw the ball to your teammate. If the ball is caught take a step back. If the ball is not caught, take a step forward.
15-25 minutes
4-24 students per game
1 short cone per student
1 beach ball
Today we are playing Tater Tot Toss II. Your goal is to catch an underhand thrown ball and get as few letters (T-A-T-E-R) as possible.
- I will start with the ball in the center zone.
- Before the game begins, you will circle up around the center zone.
- I will throw the ball up and call out one of your names.
- If your name is called, catch the ball after one bounce or less and yell, “TATER!”
- If your name is not called, run as far away as possible while staying inside the boundary cones.
- When “TATER!” is called, you must freeze.
- The catcher can take up to five steps (not jumps) towards a student and try to hit him/her below the shoulders.
- If the student catches the ball or the ball bounces first, the thrower gets to tell the teacher which name to call out for the next round.
- If a student is hit, the whole team (everyone in the field) receives a letter.
Game 1: Play as indicated above. If a name has been called already, it cannot be called again.
Game 2: Give each student a number and call out numbers instead of names.
Game 3: The student who is called is the thrower for the next round. The teacher or the thrower can call out the name. No names can be repeated.
Exit Ticket: Teacher underhand tosses a ball for students to catch.
- Approach:
- Remind students they can only stay within the boundary cones – they cannot go outside of the cones.
- Safety:
- Remind defending students to use the ready position when the ball is being thrown in their direction.
- ELL Accommodation:
- Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
- Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
- SpEd Accommodation:
- Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications.
- Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
- Allow students extra time to master the skill.
- Reflection:
- When catching a ball, you should __________ your knees.
- It was hard to catch the ball when...
10-20 minutes
4-28 students per game
6 short cones
5 beach balls
1 flag per student
1 hula-hoop
Optional: 24 fuzzy balls
Today we are playing Kung Fu Furious. You are all pandas in the deep forest of China trying to learn new kung fu skills. Your goal is to earn your belt by catching an underhand thrown ball.
- Before the game begins, line up single file behind the marker cone.
- When I say, “GO!” I will throw the beach ball underhand to the first person in line.
- After you catch the beach ball:
- Run and place it back in the hula-hoop
- Run to the end line and do a kung fu move
- Grab a kung fu belt (flag) and bring it back to your dot
- Get back in line to restart
- We will begin a new game when all the kung fu belts are collected.
Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Variation: Add in fuzzy balls along with kung fu belts. Fuzzy balls are medals pandas can earn after they earn a belt.
Exit Ticket: TTeacher underhand tosses a ball for students to catch.
- Approach:
- Remind students there is no order when they get back in line.
- ELL Accommodation:
- Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
- Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
- SpEd Accommodation:
- Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications.
- Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
- Allow students extra time to master the skill.
- Reflection:
- When catching a ball, you should __________ your knees.
- It was hard to catch the ball when...
15-25 minutes
No restrictions
5 short cones
24 fuzzy balls
2 hula-hoops
Optional: 2 playground balls
Today we are playing The Force Awakens. In this game, you are in a galaxy far away and your team is under attack. Your goal is to catch an underhand thrown ball and get all of the opposing team members down.
- I will divide the class into two teams.
- I will select one student on each team to be the Jedi knight.
- When I say, “GO!” throw fuzzy balls at the opposing team members (from the shoulders below).
- If you are hit, you must go down within three seconds.
- The only way to get back up is if the Jedi knight throws you a ball underhand and you catch it.
- When the Jedi knights are in their team’s hula-hoop they are safe.
- If the Jedi knight leaves the hula-hoop and gets hit (shoulders and below), he/she is down.
- We will begin a new game when there is one team left.
- New Jedi knights will be chosen each game.
Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Add spies. Spies can go onto the other team’s side and steal fuzzy balls but they can also be hit.
Variation: Use playground balls as Kaboomies. If a student is hit from the knees and below, he/she is down. Kaboomies may only be rolled.
Exit Ticket: Teacher underhand tosses a ball for students to catch.
- Approach:
- Depending on class size, select two students from each team to be Jedi knights.
- Remind students to be honest about getting hit. Make a rule where phrases like, “I got you!” or “You’re down!” are not allowed.
- ELL Accommodation:
- Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
- Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
- SpEd Accommodation:
- Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications.
- Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
- Allow students extra time to master the skill.
- Reflection:
- When catching a ball, you should __________ your knees.
- It was hard to catch the ball when...