5-15 minutes
No restrictions
10 short cones
Today we are playing Pizza Pie. Your goal is to avoid being tagged by the pizza makers.
- I will select two pizza makers (taggers).
- Before the game begins, line up on the baseline shoulder-to-shoulder.
- Decide which pizza topping you will be. You must be a pizza topping you can order at a restaurant
- (uncommon toppings do not count i.e. gummy bears, M&Ms, bananas, etc.).
- Whisper to the person standing next to you what your topping is.
- When I say, “GO!” the pizza makers will call out a topping.
- If your topping is called you must run to the end line.
- If you are tagged, you will switch roles with the pizza maker.
- If after five toppings your topping has not been called, run to the end line.
- We will begin a new round when I select new pizza makers.
- Approach:
- Depending on class size, increase the number of pizza makers.
- For increased difficulty have tagged students become pizza makers. The last topping (last student left) is the first pizza maker the next round.