S4.E4.3a- Works cooperatively with others.

Relationship Skills: Relationship Building
Relationship Skills: Teamwork



Objective: Aim for a personal best

Sportsmanship Unit | Level 15

Today we are going to practice aiming for a personal best.

Aiming for your personal best is important because it helps you and your team to achieve goals and be successful players.

Success: the accomplishment of a goal.

These phrases can be used during different situations that may come up while playing a game with teammates:

Disagreeing Phrases

  • “I feel ___ when you do___.“
  • “Maybe we could try ___?“
  • “You/we might consider trying….”
  • "I noticed ______ , but I wish ____.”
  • “Something I liked is ____ because _____.”
  • “I see your point, but what about _____?”
  • “What if we did _____?“
  • “How about we try _____?”

Encouraging Phrases

  • “You can do it!”
  • “Keep going!”
  • “I am confident in your ability.”
  • “We care about you.”
  • “I know you can handle it.”
  • “We can do this together.”
  • “We need your help with ___.“
  • “Can you help us do ____?“
  • “We won’t be able to do ___ without you.”
  • “We really want you to be a part of our team.”

Congratulating Phrases

  • “You really improved today.”
  • “It’s obvious you did your best.”
  • “It made me feel good when you did ____.”
  • “I appreciated _____.“
  • “Thank you for doing ____ in the game.”
  • Give each other high-fives or a hug after a game or challenge.


10-20 minutes

No restrictions

1 short jump rope per team
24 fuzzy balls 

Today we are playing Self-Driving Cars. In this game, you are all about to test-drive a self-driving car! The engine will control where the car will travel and the passenger will follow. Your goal is to retrieve one piece of cargo (fuzzy ball) at a time and return back safely. Remember to always aim for a personal best and do not worry about someone else's score.


  • I will divide the class into teams of two.
  • One of you will be designated as the passenger and the other will be the engine.
  • The engine will have an end of the jump rope around his/her waist. He/she will lead the passenger.
  • The passenger will hold onto the other end of the jump rope. He/she will be led by the engine.
  • The passenger can communicate with the engine where to go, but cannot pull on the jump rope.
  • After every round, switch roles with your partner.

Game 1: Have partners travel short distances around the field together, taking turns with each role. 
Game 2: The passenger and engine start at the baseline and retrieve one piece of cargo at a time from the end line and return. 
Game 3: Spread the cargo throughout the field. The passenger and engine have to work together to retrieve as much cargo as they can.
Exit Ticket: Students share how "being successful" and "aiming for a personal best" are connected.



  • Safety:
    • Students should be careful not to pull hard on the jump ropes or they will break.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • What does success mean?
    • Is it difficult for you to not worry about someone else's score?
    • Why or why not?


10-20 minutes

4-24 students per game

2 balance beams
Optional: 2 fuzzy balls

Today we are playing Team Beam. Your goal is to work together with your teammates to rearrange yourselves without stepping off of the Team Beam (balance beam). Remember to always aim for a personal best and do not worry about someone else's score.


  • I will divide the class into two teams.
  • Before the game begins, stand shoulder-to-shoulder next to each other along the beams.
  • When I say, “GO!” your job is to rearrange yourselves according to the assigned task.
  • You must complete the challenge without stepping off of the Team Beam.
  • While moving, you may share a space with another student in order to pass one another.
  • If you fall off the Team Beam or your foot touches the ground, your team must reset.
  • We will begin a new game once everyone has completed the assigned task.

Game 1: Have students perform simple tasks (i.e. turn around 360 degrees, stand on one leg for five seconds while holding onto each other’s shoulders, pass a ball down to one end of the line and back).
Game 2: Have students at either end switch places (consider letting students step down to strategize before starting this task).
Game 3: Have students rearrange themselves (birthday order, alphabetically, reverse standing order).
Variation: Consider having students perform a task without speaking and/or assigning only one speaker.
Exit Ticket: Students share how "being successful" and "aiming for a personal best" are connected.



  • Approach:
    • Remind students that they will need to work together to be safe and successful.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • What does success mean?
    • Is it difficult for you to not worry about someone else's score?
    • Why or why not?


10-20 minutes

No restrictions

1 flag per 2 students
Optional: 1 flag per student

Today we are playing Alliance Tag. Your goal is to tag all the students on the opposing side before they tag you. Remember to always aim for a personal best and do not worry about someone else's score.


  • I will divide the class into two teams.
  • Before the game begins, line up with your team on one side of the field.
  • When I say, “GO!” you have to tag someone on the opposing team before they tag you.
  • If you are tagged or go out-of-bounds, you are down and must sit or kneel.
  • You may get up when your tagger goes down or you pull an opponent’s flag while you are down.
  • If you and another student tag each other at the same time, Ro Sham Bo to decide who goes down.
  • Students cannot be tagged during Ro Sham Bo.
  • We will begin a new game when only one team remains standing.

Game 1: After every five minutes, call a jail break – all students that are down are allowed to come back up.
Game 2: Play on a half-field to increase activity.
Variation: Allow tagged students to crawl. If they tag another student while crawling, they may stand back up.
Variation: For increased difficulty, tagged students do 10 jumping jacks or jog in place for 10 seconds.
Variation: Play with flags instead of tagging.
Exit Ticket: Students share how "being successful" and "aiming for a personal best" are connected.



  • Approach:
    • Let teams have one minute before the game begins to plan their strategy.
  • Safety:
    • Make sure students fasten their flag belts properly so it pulls away easily to avoid injury.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • What does success mean?
    • Is it difficult for you to not worry about someone else's score?
    • Why or why not?