Soccer Physical Education Curriculum - Level 17 — GrowFit Physical Education Curriculum

13 units and over 1,500 games!

S1.E21.4- Kicks along the ground and in the air, and punts using mature patterns.
S4.E4.4b- Accepts players of all skill levels into the physical activity.

Relationship Skills- Teamwork



Objective: Kick a ball in the air off a dribble

Soccer Unit | Level 17

Today we are going to learn how to kick a ball in the air off a dribble.

Kicking the ball in the air off a dribble is important because keeping the ball in the air makes it harder for a defender to block when passing or shooting.

Plant foot:
foot that is on the ground when a kick is made.

When kicking a ball in the air off a dribble, it is important to:


1. Place your plant foot next to the ball pointed towards the target.


2. Lock your ankle and keep your toes down.


3. Lean forward and strike the lower half of the ball with your laces.


  1. Line up on the baseline shoulder-to-shoulder. Put your ball on the ground in the control position. When I say, “GO!” dribble your ball forward. When I say, “SHOOT!” kick your ball so that it goes in the air. Retrieve your ball, pick it up and bring it back to the baseline.
  2. Repeat as many times as necessary.



10-20 minutes

4-24 students per game

1 soccer ball per student
2 long jump ropes
2 short cones
2 goals

Today we are playing Catapult. In this game, you are rebels sneak attacking a city that lays just beyond the river (jump ropes). Your goal is to take over the city by kicking a cannonball (soccer ball) in the air off a dribble and into the city’s towers (goals).


  • Before the game begins, line up behind either marker cone with your ball.
  • When I say, “GO!” the first student in line will dribble up to the river and kick the cannonball over the river into either tower.
  • After you have launched your cannonball, retrieve it and get in line to try again.
  • Once the student in front of you has retrieved their cannonball, you may start dribbling.
  • We will begin a new game once everyone has had a chance to catapult their cannonball into the tower.

Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Increase the width of the river.
Game 3:  Add a soldier (defender) to try and block cannonballs.
Game 4: Add more soldiers depending on student’s ability level.
Exit Ticket: Students kick the ball in the air off the dribble towards the teacher to put away.



  • Approach:
    • Remind students they cannot shoot while anyone is retrieving their cannonball from the tower.
  • Student Role:
    • Have a student be a ball master. He/she is in charge of retrieving balls.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • When kicking the ball in the air, what part of the ball should your laces touch?
    • Did you find kicking the ball in the air difficult? Why or why not?



15-25 minutes

4-24 students per game

20 soccer balls
15 short cones
2 goals

Today we are playing Jailbird. Your goal is to free the other jailbirds by kicking a ball in the air off a dribble and scoring a goal. 


  • I will select two escapees.
  • I will select one guard.
  • The rest of you will be jailbirds.
  • Before the game begins, jailbirds must line up behind both goals. 
  • When I say, “GO!” the escapees will dribble up to the second set of cones and try and score a goal on the guard.
  • Escapees cannot cross their marker cones and a goal is only counted if the ball is shot in the air.
  • When a goal is made, one jailbird at a time can join the escapees.
  • We will begin a new game once all the jailbirds have been freed.

Game 1: Play without a prison guard.
Game 2: Play with a prison guard.
Game 3: Add another prison guard.
Exit Ticket: Students kick the ball in the air off the dribble towards the teacher to put away.



  • Approach:
    • Remind prisoners to pass kicked balls back to the escapees.
  • Student Role:
    • Have a student be a ball master. He/she is in charge of retrieving balls.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • When kicking the ball in the air, what part of the ball should your laces touch?
    • Did you find kicking the ball in the air difficult? Why or why not?


Zany Races.png

15-25 minutes

4-30 students per game

8 soccer balls
1 goal
20 tall cones
2 short cones

Today we are playing Zany Races. Your goal is to kick a ball in the air off a dribble to score a goal at the finish line.


  • I will divide the class into two teams. 
  • Before the game begins, line up single file behind your team’s marker cone.  
  • When I say, “GO!” the first student in line will dribble through the zany course and make a shot on goal at the finish line.
  • If your ball knocks down a course cone, you must restart.
  • After the student in front has shot a goal, the next student in line may start.
  • Focus on kicking your ball in the air when you shoot.
  • We will begin a new game when everyone has made it through the course.

Game 1: Play as indicated above. 
Game 2: Students from both teams have to hold hands while dribbling through the course.
Exit Ticket: Students kick the ball in the air off the dribble towards the teacher to put away.



  • Approach:
    • Remind students this is not a race and to try their personal best. 
  • Student Role:
    • Have a student be a ball master. He/she is in charge of retrieving balls.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • When kicking the ball in the air, what part of the ball should your laces touch?
    • Did you find kicking the ball in the air difficult? Why or why not?