S1.E18.K- Taps ball using inside of the foot, sending it forward.
S4.E4.K-Shares equipment and space with others.

Relationship Skills- Teamwork



Objective: Dribble with the inside of your foot

Soccer Unit | Level 3

Today we are going to learn how to dribble with the inside of your foot.

Dribbling with the inside of your feet is important because it allows you to feel more comfortable when controlling the ball.

the joint connecting the foot with the leg.

When dribbling with the inside of your foot, it is important to:


1. Lock your ankle and keep your toes up.


2. Touch ball with inside of your foot (push the ball, do not kick it).


3. Keep the ball close to your body.


  1. Line up on the baseline shoulder-to-shoulder. Put your ball on the ground in the control position. When I say, “GO!” dribble your ball to the midline and back. Do not bump into anyone else or let your ball go more than two feet in front of you.
  2. (Depending on the amount of class time). When I say, “GO!” dribble to the end line and back.


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10-20 minutes

No restrictions

1 soccer ball per student

Today we are playing New Ball. Your goal is to dribble with the inside of your foot with every soccer ball on the field.


  • Before the game begins, line up shoulder-to-shoulder on the baseline with your ball.
  • When I say, “GO!” dribble your ball with the inside of your foot anywhere inside the field.
  • When I say, “New Ball!” you have five seconds to leave your ball, find someone else’s and start dribbling.
  • You must try and find a different ball each time.

Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Elimination Round. During the transition of finding a new ball, take one ball away (similar to Musical Chairs). If a student does not find a ball, he/she is eliminated and can dribble around the perimeter of the field.
Exit Ticket: Students use the inside of their foot as they dribble to put their equipment away.



  • Approach:
    • Remind students to keep their heads up while dribbling to avoid bumping into others.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • You should lock your ankle and keep your toes __________ while dribbling the ball.
    • Today I helped a friend by __________.


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10-20 minutes

4-25 students per game

1 soccer ball per student
4 hula-hoops
5 short cones

Today we are playing Free the Giants. In this game, you are Jack or Jill who have to run up the beanstalk to help free the giants that are trapped by avalanche (hula-hoops) of boulders (soccer balls). Your goal is to help free the giants by dribbling with the inside of your foot each of the boulders away. 


  • I will select two giants for each avalanche of boulders.
  • Everyone else will be Jack or Jill and will line up shoulder-to-shoulder on the baseline.
  • When I say, “GO!” run up the beanstalk to the hula-hoops, pick up a boulder and dribble it back to the baseline. 
  • You may only dribble one boulder at a time.
  • Keep going back and forth until all the boulders have been removed.
  • The giants cannot move until all the boulders have been removed.
  • We will begin a new round when new giants have been selected.

Game 1: Play as indicated above. Giants cheer on their teammates until all boulders have been removed.
Game 2: Add or subtract the number of giants based on class size.
Game 3: When all the boulders are removed, giants can break free and tag everyone. Students must make it back to the baseline without being tagged by the giants.
Exit Ticket: Students use the inside of their foot as they dribble to put their equipment away.



  • Approach:
    • Ask students to help you create the boulder walls before the game begins. 
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • You should lock your ankle and keep your toes __________ while dribbling the ball.
    • Today I helped a friend by __________.


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10-20 minutes

4-20 students per game

1 soccer ball per student
5 hula-hoops

Today we are playing Gumdrop Sort. In this game, you are all workers at a gumdrop factory. The gumdrops (soccer balls) need to be sorted and loaded into the proper containers (hula-hoops). Your goal is to dribble with the inside of your foot to sort the gumdrops correctly into the right containers.  


  • Before the game begins, place one foot in the center container.
  • At the beginning of each game, I will tell you how many gumdrops need to be in each container.
  • When I say, “GO!” take a gumdrop from the middle and dribble it to a container.  
  • You may only take one gumdrop at a time. 
  • You must work with your classmates to keep track of how many gumdrops are in each container.
  • We will begin a new game once all the gumdrops have been sorted.

Game 1: Play with two hula-hoops. Call out two different numbers that add up to 20. Assign each hoop a number (8 in the red hoop, 12 in the yellow hoop).
Game 2: Play with three hula-hoops. Call out three different numbers that add up to 20. Assign each hoop a number (10 in the red hoop, 5 in the yellow hoop, 5 in the blue hoop).
Game 3: Play with four hula-hoops. Call out four different numbers that add up to 20. Assign each hoop a number (5 in each hoop).
Exit Ticket: Students use the inside of their foot as they dribble to put their equipment away.



  • Approach:
    • Remind students to keep their heads up while dribbling to avoid bumping into others.  
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • You should lock your ankle and keep your toes __________ while dribbling the ball.
    • Today I helped a friend by __________.