Toe taps
Soccer Unit | Sample Skill and Game
Today we are going to learn how to toe tap the ball.
Toe taps are important because they improve your rhythm, balance and control of the ball by using the soles of your feet.
When toe tapping, it is important to:
1. Touch the ball with the sole of your foot (under toes) without moving the ball.
2. Alternate feet (right, left, right, left, etc.)
Practice 1: Line up on the baseline shoulder-to-shoulder. Put your ball on the ground in the control position. When I say, “GO!” perform 10 toe taps with both feet.
Practice 2: When I say, “GO!” perform 20 toe taps with both feet.
Practice 3: When I say, “GO!” perform 30 toe taps with both feet.
1 soccer ball per student
4 flags
5 short cones
Today we are playing Jurassic Park. In this game, you all have dinosaur eggs (soccer balls) that are almost ready to be hatched. Your goal is try and crack your dinosaur egg and protect it from the T-Rex.
- I will select a T-Rex. The T-Rex will wear a flag around their chest so they have limited arm movement.
- Before the game begins, line up shoulder-to-shoulder on the baseline with your dinosaur egg.
- When I say, “GO!” continue to toe tap your egg so that it can crack.
- When I say, “CRACKED!” dribble your egg anywhere in the field.
- Once the eggs have been cracked, the T-Rex will try and capture your baby dinosaur.
- If your baby dinosaur has been captured, you are the T-Rex the next game.
Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Add more T-Rexes based on class size.
- Approach: Students may need to balance their ball on a short cone while performing toe taps.
- Approach: Make sure flags are secured safely around the T-Rex’s chest.
- Discussion: Ask students to share who they saw doing a good job at quickly alternating their feet when trying to crack their egg.